Introduction to the AutoCAD interface: This could include an overview of the different parts of the AutoCAD window and how to navigate between them.

Creating and modifying basic drawings: Students could learn how to create and edit basic shapes such as lines, circles, and rectangles, as well as how to use tools such as the Zoom and Pan commands.

Working with layers: Students could learn how to create, name, and color layers, and how to control the visibility of layers in a drawing.

Annotating drawings: Students could learn how to add text, dimensions, and other types of annotations to their drawings.

Creating and modifying 3D models: Students could learn how to create basic 3D shapes and how to use tools such as Extrude and Revolve to create more complex 3D models.

Using blocks and groups: Students could learn how to create and use blocks and groups to save and reuse common objects in their drawings.

Plotting and printing drawings: Students could learn how to prepare drawings for printing or sharing with others, including how to set up layouts and plot styles.