The biggest thing holding us back as designers is our lack of belief in ourselves. We tell ourselves that we can't do certain things, or that it's just not possible. But to break through these barriers, we need to learn how to recognize and re-program those negative thoughts. The key is to help yourself believe in your abilities, and know that if you put your mind to something and work hard enough... you can achieve anything you set your mind to. If you want to learn to code, there are tons of resources out there that can help you. But what I've found is that the biggest thing holding me back every time was my own negative thoughts. I told myself I would never be able to teach myself how to code, let alone become a designer. Somehow, I've been able to find the strength and willpower to push through those thoughts and achieve my goals (and I'm still going).

Gain a deeper awareness and understanding of self realize the importance and benefits of personal development Create an effective Personal Development Plan Build professional image and boost confidence

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