PressStart Blogs
Helping game changers to Press Start

The idea of PressStart Studio came about at the most unexpected moment. It came at a time when Architect Ralph Ruiz’s previous architectural firm threatened to close down. It was closed doors that paved the way towards a new window that opened. What initially appeared to be a low moment catapulted to a new beginning. It’s true what they say about beginnings. They can sometimes feel like endings.
It was a random day when Ralph and Elaine were thinking about a potential business that they can start. They discussed the name they will call the studio. They did not like the concept of surrender; they know that the game is not yet over. No quitting game, as they say.
Almost in unison, the idea struck and they decided to call it — Press Start. It did not only satisfy our gamer architect founder; it became the name of the new beginning. Press Start was born in 2018.
Initially, PressStart Studio was simply an architectural firm cramped in their 18sqm home. As time passed, they realized that Press Start is more than a studio or a start-up business.
Press Start is the story of our lives.
Press Start is not only a concept or an idea. Press Start is all about taking action – no matter how small or big step it is.
After all, we believe that we are the architects of our dreams and the authors of our own story.
It was in 2019 when Press Start book was finally written, published, and launched. Writing a book was Author Elaine Ruiz dream since childhood. It was a project imagined for the past 20 years. She completed writing the self-help book in 90 days.
With the meaning of Press Start becoming clearer, our founders gathered courage to explore the possibilities of the studio. PressStart Studio was opened a space where passionate individuals across different industries can work and play together.
At PressStart, we aim to help individuals and teams achieve their goals by building a fun and collaborative community of people that support each other. We want to encourage people to get started in pursuing their purpose to be a life game changer.
Press Start Studio is a passion project. We envision it to be a community where more passion projects will come alive and grow.
We decided to take a risk and give it a try.
Even if there is fear and doubt, we decided to #PressStart.
How about you?
What passion project have you been putting aside for some other day?
We would love to help you do it now.
Together, we will assist you in designing and building those goals and dreams. We will help you get started and make them happen.
Together, let’s #PressStart and build a better world.
This is where we post the output and contributions of PressStarters who participated in our writing workshops.
Writer's Corner
(for Elaine)
by: Perlita Morales
Pseudo-romantic’s passion
having been in
Respite for a long while,
Enabling a domesticated pen to
Scribble and let go what
Saturates the mind.
Serving as
Therapy for a tired soul which is
About to give up with
Regrets and
Torment . . . until you came along.
To join our workshops, kindly click here.
You may also visit our Facebook page for more information.
Brain Dump
by: Jenn Dalangin
Last October 27, 29, and 31, 2020, I attended the 3-day Creative Writing and Self-Publishing webinar hosted by PressStart. It was not my first time to attend a webinar they hosted, but this specific webinar had given me a something I can’t forget, a strong message, especially when our trainer, Coach Elaine, gave us a 10-minute brain dumping activity. I’m not new in doing such activity, by the way brain dumping is an activity wherein you will have to write anything without stopping within a given timeframe.
Going back to the activity, I started writing when the timer started and obviously, I stopped writing when the time ended. We were only few (less than ten I guess) in the webinar and yes, we were strangers. We don’t know each other personally, but we have one thing in common and that is our passion in writing. What I appreciate the most was when we were given the chance to share our output during the activity. Although I don’t usually share my thoughts and ideas to strangers. I’m not sure what prompt me to say “Coach, I just want to share this…” then I read everything I had written, curious of what was that?
Here, I intentionally didn’t edit anything, these were the same words I had written at the time of the activity. I hope you’ll be able to get the message you need today.
A broken promise. Pain. Heal. Surrender. God’s will. Time. Move on. Find a place of comfort. Be in your knees. Take heart. You are not alone and you will never be alone. Stay strong. Be courageous. Have a positive mindset. Do things you love the most. Skip a meal if you want. Write everything and anything under the sun. Don’t forget to stay focused. Love what you do and do what you love. Let it all out. Say something. Write everything. Just don’t skip the process. Remember you’re in pain, but keep in mind that you are about to breakthrough, just don’t skip the process. Feel the pain. Cry if you need to. Have sometime alone in a place you’d love to be. Take time to talk to God, maybe He will lead you to something you are searching for. Do it, do it anyway, just don’t stop, it’s you and Him alone. Listen to Him. Trust Him. Don’t doubt, just believe that you are about to experience that breakthrough in your life. Love, just love, smile, and learn to laugh at things. Don’t be too serious about everything. Don’t overthink. Don’t think of the past, just get the learnings from it. Deal with the present so your future will be different from your past. You’ve been hurt, yes, but you can walk away from the hole and make yourself whole again. Forgive yourself first and everything else will follow. The pain will eventually find its way out.
That’s it! You might say that you have read something like this before but even though you do, I just don’t want to keep this to myself because of the affirmation I heard from Coach Elaine and from my co-attendees that this needs to be shared because it’s powerful. You might not need this anyway, but, somebody else does.
Thank you PressStart! Thank you, Architect Ralph and Coach Elaine, for building the PressStart Community. Thank you, Coach Elaine, your affirmation was what I needed to continue writing because I believe you’re right, somewhere out there, someone might need to read what I have written.
To God be the Glory!
by: Elise Telan
Tired of living from paycheck to paycheck? Find out how you can make copywriting as your new side hustle.
“I’m not talented in writing.”
“Training fees are too expensive.”
“It will take too much of my time.”
“I don’t have someone who can teach me this.”
“Writing is so basic, what else do I need to learn?”
If you have said any of the statements written above, you’re probably like me when I first heard about SEO and Copywriting.
You’re probably like, “SEO? Copywriting? I don’t what that is.” or “I didn’t even know that existed.”
Well, it exists.
Still not convinced?
Well, what if I tell you that right now, you’re reading a product of SEO and Copywriting?
Yes, you heard me right.
Those ads that pop up when you are scrolling through your news feed on Facebook?
That billboard ad that you see every time when you are stuck in traffic?
That product description that tempts you every time to click the “Add to Cart” button?
Those newsletters you receive in your email from your favorite bloggers?
Those news headlines that you clicked on because it sparked your curiosity?
These are all products of effective SEO and Copywriting.
“And copywriting will help me because…?”
Because…it will open more opportunities for you.
“But wait!”
- “I’m not talented in writing.”
So was I and everyone who first started out in SEO and Copywriting! Everyone starts as a beginner in writing and like any other skill, it can be improved through consistent effort and practice.
- “Training fees are too expensive.”
This was also my dilemma when I first wanted to learn about SEO and Copywriting! Every seminar being offered was way out of my budget and I nearly lost all hope until I stumbled upon a banner advertisement from PressStart Studio offering a webinar on SEO and Copywriting. I was ecstatic when I learned that the fee is very affordable. They offer free writing webinars too!
- “It will take too much of my time.”
No need to fret, my friend! PressStart Studio not only offers face-to-face writing seminars but also writing webinars! You can start learning anywhere at any time and access the webinar anytime that is convenient for you. You can even record the webinar for future reference!
- “I don’t have someone who can teach me this.”
No problem! Let the friendly and reliable trainer of PressStart Studio, Ms. Elaine Ruiz guide you in your writing journey! When I attended their SEO and Copywriting Webinar held on December 19 last year, I was amazed by how well-informed the facilitators are with the topic of the webinar. Not once did I feel bored or left out. Definitely worth the price and time!
- “Writing is so basic, what else do I need to learn?”
There’s so much more to learn in writing than you think! In PressStart Studio, they offer a wide variety of writing programs for you to choose from! You can take as much courses as you’d like and the best part? They even customize their programs depending on their client’s specific needs!
Ready to make copywriting as your new side hustle? Head on over to PressStart Studio!