The customer is always right, and providing good customer service will only get you further in the long run. Customers won't always be happy with what they have, and as a business owner you will be faced with complaints on a daily basis. Dealing with customer service issues can be a hassle, but it's better to react calmly to any issue that arises, even if it makes you want to pull your hair out. Getting angry or upset with the customer will only make things worse, and it won't solve the problem you are facing. Be calm, listen to their complaint (even if it seems over-the-top), offer them a solution, and then ask them how their day is going.
Create awareness of each participant’s significant role in providing service that
exceeds expectations and how it impacts the organization
Develop confidence, enthusiasm, and passion to deliver professional customer service
Learn how to handle
complaints and concerns
Identify what causes
customers to be demanding
or difficult and the
Recognize and manage your
own responses
Develop strategies for
managing different types of
Gain confidence in handling
customers appropriately